Christmas Tree in Gold

Today I am playing with the Christmas Trees 2 Stamps and Tree Die again. Last time I played with this one, I created a big batch of Christmas Tags. (PROCESS VIDEO in case you missed it) At the end of that session, I did some gold embossed trees and I really wanted to created some cards with those because they were so so pretty!

This year I have been challenging myself to use my stash of “things” but most especially all my papers, including my paper scraps, my design papers, and those special papers that I was saving for “just the right project” (honestly, I am learning they all are the right project… haha!) Today, I grabbed out one of those special papers, it is a gold glitter paper and it is perfect for those gold embossed trees. With all of the gold taking front and center in the card, I decided the layout really needed to be clean and simple and I really like the final look but what do you think?

I hope you are inspired today. It is super fun to make things in batches and pull them out when you need them. ALSO a score for using that gold paper amiright? Are you hording paper that you need to pull out and use? If so, I challenge you to use it!

Thanks for stopping by!
Hugs, Lyn

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