Fathers Day Give-Away!

You can win the
beautiful clear stamps shown below. All you have to do to enter to win is
leave a comment answering the question above. Be sure to leave all
comments for us by 7 pm, May 8.

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5 responses to “Fathers Day Give-Away!”

  1. SouthernMrs Avatar

    My favorite memory of Dad is his strong sense of family and loving care for us his children.

  2. CraftyJo Avatar

    I used to fall asleep on my dad's chest – the sound of his breathing used to lull me to sleep ๐Ÿ™‚ He'd had TB as a young man so his breathing was noisier than it should have been! I have a photo of my son, his grandson, asleep in the same position ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. jennifer Avatar

    The only favorable memories I have of a strong man is my husband, he puts on such a tough act but is such a pussycat.

  4. Nikki Avatar

    My Fave memory of my dad is when I was little and he'd tuck me in at nite and make sure that I was tucked in really tight to keep me safe. thank for the chance ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Cindy Groh Avatar

    My favorite memory of dad is him taking us fishing in his boss's boat. We didn't catch many fish but the trouble he went through to do this for us was unforgettable.