Category: bicycle

  • You’ve Got Mail!!…..Art

    Happy Tuesday, Prickley Pear fans!! Here at Prickley Pear, we’re constantly looking for new inspiration to bring to you using the Prickley Pear collection of stamps. Our Design Team member, Irit, came up with the awesome idea of creating Mail Art.  What is Mail Art?  It’s decorated envelopes, making both your creation and the package that carries…

  • Thursday Inspiration with the Design Team

    Happy Thursday! Here we are again with a set of fabulous cards from the Prickley Pear Design Team.  Sharing their projects this week are Heather, Heidi, Irit and Michelle. We’ve got quite a mix of stamps, from recent New Release products to florals and birds. Check out Michelle’s card using the new red rubber stamps…

  • Vintage Viewpoint

    Here we are, almost the middle of June. In many places, school are winding up for the year, kids are looking forward to the days of freedom and parents are counting the days until school returns.  Prickley Pear has a whole category dedicated to the seasons. It’s here that I travelled to for today’s Vintage…

  • Bring on the Sunshine!

    Happy Tuesday!! Regular viewers to the Prickley Pear blog might know that Tuesdays are theme day. Since it’s now early June, the days are getting longer, the mosquitos are getting annoying and the weeds are growing ALL over my front yard…that’s right… BRING ON THE SUNSHINE! My BBQ grill and I are ready and so…

  • May New Release – Day 5, Post 2

    Here we are at the last post of the May New Release. The Prickley Pear Design Team had so much fun creating projects for your this week and we hope you love the new products as much as we do! The fun isn’t quite over. Remember, you have until Sunday at midnight to take advantage…