Category: butterfly

  • Wicked Washi

    Hello Prickley Pear Fans! Today, we’re getting sticky.   And while that could apply to a great many things, today it applies to tape – washi tape.  Do you have rolls and rolls of tape that you haven’t used?  Do you eyeball washi tape in the store and wonder what you’d ever do with it?  Well,…

  • Butterfly Effects with Heidi Erickson

    What difference does one butterfly make?    One butterfly brings blooms flowers in a garden.  One butterfly blooms smiles on a child.  And to a greeting card? It blooms perfection. Today’s post is brought to you by talented Design Team member Heidi Erickson. Today, Heidi shows us how a simple addition to a card –…

  • Thursday Design Team Inspiration

    Happy Thursday! I’m delighted to bring you another week of inspiration with the talented Prickley Pear Design Team.  It’s always intriguing to find out what the team has made this week. With 100’s of options in the Prickley Pear catalogue, sometimes crafty minds think alike and we ended up with a theme running through our…