Category: joywilsonink

  • Thanks, You Are My Sunshine Thank You Card

    Hello Prickley Pear friends!  Joy, here with you today sharing a bright and cheerful thank you card.  I hope this inspires you to make something fun too.  Recently I received a card in the mail thanking me for something really small that I did for friend and it meant the world to me. I think we…

  • Doggone Good Friend Handmade Card

    Hello to all my Prickley Pear Pals!  I hope you’re having a fantastic day!  Joy, here and I sharing a fun friendship card using the Doggone Good Friend stamp set and coordinating die.  I think it’s always good to tell those you care about that you’re thinking of them don’t you? Well with this stamp set…

  • How To Create a Bold Clean and Simple Design with Mini Butterflies

    Hello pals!  It’s Joy here with you today and I’m going to talk about how to create a bold, but clean and simple design using the Mini Butterflies stamp set.  I think at times we think of clean and simple as being a lot of white space and not a lot going on, but why…

  • Slay the Day, But First Tea

    Hello Prickley Pear Pals!  Joy here today sharing a bold Tea inspired card.  It’s no secret that I have a love affair with Tea and start my day off with it every… single… day!   It was only natural for me to make a card with the Tea Set stamp and of course I paired it…

  • Hot Air Balloons: Adding Depth of Field To Scenes

    Hello there!  Joy, here with you today where I talk about adding depth perception in a sky scene using the Hot Air Balloons stamp set.  We are going to do this by using smaller images, adding shading to images, placement, and dimension. Let’s get into it! Hot Air Balloons I mentioned that I am using the…

  • Hot Air Balloons Stamp Set: How to Create an Easy Sky Scene

    Hello, Joy here with you today.  I am so happy to be joining the Prickley Pear Stamps design team and bring you my first project.   I chose to use the biplane from the Hot Air Balloons stamps set to create a fun and easy summer sky.   Hot Air Balloons I stamped and colored the Biplane…