Category: scalloped circle

  • Friday June 2, 20023 Ham Camper CLR068 & Die PPRS-D068

      Hello Friends! Hello lazy days of Summer! Tia here from, sharing with you an iconic image of Summer-the Ham Camper! Not too long ago I had a great laugh with friends over this name-“Ham Camper”. It’s named so because of the shape-it’s shaped like a hunk-a-ham! And hysterics ensued! Crafty friends really are…

  • Thursday Inspiration!

    Happy Thursday, Prickley Pear Fans! Can you believe it’s March already?  As we leap towards spring in the our corner of the globe, I keep looking for signs that spring is on it’s way. Perhaps we need to look no further than today’s creations by the Design Team? First up is Tracie, who we welcome…