Category: spring

  • Frog Pals Spinach & Ramona

     Hi crafty friends!  Kim here from KimKreates to share this cheerful card starring the adorable Spinach and Ramona!  I loved staying with my grandparents when I was a child!  My grandpa had a stuffed frog that was always on the pillows of their bed.  When he passed away, my grandma gave me the frog because…

  • Thursday Design Team Inspiration!

    Here we go again with the talented Design Team. Here to bring their inspiration to your Thursday…do you have time time set aside to craft this weekend? Prickley Pear can help you out. Is it patio season yet? Tracie’s helping urge it along with this colorful spring cup. This comes from Coffee Cup clear set,…

  • In the Garden

    Hello Everyone!  This week’s Tuesday feature is titled “In the Garden”. If you’ve taken a look at the catalogue over at Prickley Pear, you’ve probably noticed that flowers are a favorite. There’s an entire Flora & Fauna category in red rubber, or if you prefer the clear sets, check out the Flowers category. Our Design…

  • Designer Highlight with Irit Shalom

    Hello, Prickley Pear Fans! This week, we’ve got a Designer Highlight with Irit Shalom! Irit recently created this gorgeous canvas and I was curious about some of the techniques she used. So, I’ve asked Irit to share with us some of her secrets. Irit first covered the canvas with gesso, then applied texture paste used…

  • Thursday Inspiration!!

    My favorite thing about Thursdays might just be that they come right before Friday…or maybe it’s the new projects here on the Prickley Pear Rubber Stamps blog.  Are you as excited as I am to find out what the Design Team has been up to this week? First up this week is the second new…

  • January New Release – Day 3, Part 2

    Welcome Prickley Pear fans!  Has snow arrived to your part of the world? It has arrived here and I can’t wait until spring starts to arrive. Already the days are getting longer again and I know it won’t be long. Time to stock up on spring stamps and welcome the season with open arms! The…