Christmas in August With The Newest Ramona and Spinach Stamp Set!

 Hello Prickley Pear Pals!  Joy here with you sharing Christmas with Spinach and Ramona.  Aren’t they just adorable?   If you didn’t know they are brand new this month!  These two are happily decorating their Christmas Tree with beautiful ornaments, some are dragon flies, others mushrooms mixed in with the traditional type. You might be asking where can I find Spinach and Ramona? Prickley Pear Stamps, of course!!!

Prickley Pear Stamps

Christmas with Spinach and Ramona come in a clear 6×6 inch stamp set and has perfect sentiments for the holiday season, as well as some smaller imagess to build your scene. For this sample, I stamped the large image and then added one mushroom to the left corner of the card, just to add a little something extra. I figure frogs are hibernating in the winter so I dressed them in fun summer colors for Christmas in August. But, really our imaginations can work over time with these two.

For more Christmas inspiration from Prickley Pear stamps be sure to checkout these posts that I did in July! Here and Here!

After stamping them with Memento ink, I colored them with Copics. I thought it would be fun to blend a sky using a Gina Marie Designs stencil. You could use anything in your stash to do this too! For added sparkle and shine I used Diamond Stickles and Glossy Accents. I think that turned out pretty nice!

Now about the rest of the release, there are two more stamps in this release, one is a large Thanks Font stamp, as well as the Doggone Good Friend stamp set. These two stamps have coordinating dies, but Spinach and Ramona don’t at this time.

Well, friends, I hope you’re feeling inspired from this post! Tag me on Instagram if you make a project using this as inspiration!! I’d love to see how you made it your own!! Xx, Joy

For more Prickley Pear Stamps inspiration check these out:
Prickley Pear Pals Facebook Page
Prickley Pear Stamps Blog

You can connect with me here:
IG @joywilsonink
Bye for now!!! 

For more Pajama Crafter Inspiration, be sure to visit the following places:
Pajama Crafter Stamps and Friends Facebook



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