Glitter Dryer Sheet Technique

Hello everyone!  It’s Melissa here with a tutorial today that is so simple you’ll soon be wanting to make cards using it again and again!  It’s perfect for all those winter scene cards you have yet to make!

Let’s take a look at the Glitter Dryer Sheet Technique!

used dryer sheet, ironed on low setting to remove wrinkles
spray adhesive
extra fine glitter
image/s of your choice
ink pad

First, trim a piece of cardstock to serve as your main image panel.  Trim a portion of the dryer sheet to the same size.  Then, stamp your main image on the cardstock.  I created a collage with mine, using the same color ink each time I stamped the snowflake, but stamped off to create a lighter and darker image.

Next, lightly and evenly spray one side of the dryer sheet.

Flip is over and attach the wet side to the cardstock panel you just stamped.  Trim any extra dryer sheet edges.

Lightly spray this layered piece with spray adhesive and apply an even layer of fine glitter over the entire panel, tapping off the extra.

Finish your card as desired.  I chose to layer the main panel on a piece of grey cardstock to match the ink color of the snowflake and then popped the layered piece up with foam dots on the card base.  I also added a die cut snowflake, spritzed with shimmer spray & popped up with foam dots.

Stamps:  Snowflake Inserts, Snowflake
Dies:  Snowflake Pendant

See how easy that is?!  You could use snowflakes, trees, snowmen, etc. to create many kinds of winter scenes!  Be sure and check out the winter themed stamps in the store for ideas!

Have a great week!

For more Pajama Crafter Inspiration, be sure to visit the following places:
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3 responses to “Glitter Dryer Sheet Technique”

  1. KT Fit Kitty Avatar

    Gorgeous! Have never tried this!

  2. Nikki Avatar

    So kewl thanks

  3. Chriss Blagrave Avatar

    Wonderful impact!