January New Release – Day 3, Part 2

Welcome Prickley Pear fans! 

Has snow arrived to your part of the world? It has arrived here and I can’t wait until spring starts to arrive. Already the days are getting longer again and I know it won’t be long. Time to stock up on spring stamps and welcome the season with open arms!

The focus of today’s post is on Spring. Tomorrow, we’ll celebrate the Easter options of this New Release, but today’s focus is on that coming season of renewal and growth. Ready? 

Sharon kicks us off with Bunny Cart and the Happy Spring sentiment from Spring/Easter Banner set Check out her background with Left Bunny and Right Bunny!


Donna is also preparing for spring. Check out the coloring on Bunny Cart!

I think Heidi must be hoping her creations convince spring to come early – like next week? Here’s the adorable Bunny Cart again.

And this creation from Heidi pairs the Easter/Spring Banner set paired with the previously released Lamb with Flowers.

The Easter/Spring Banner set has a number of great sentiments. Here, Heidi’s rearranged them slightly for a new greeting. This card paired with Edith (previously released).

And finally, Heidi’s used the older Bonnie the duck for this adorable pop-up card paired with the Spring/Easter Banner set. 

Check out the inside! The Spring/Easter Banner set is featured prominently here.


 The new release specials are listed below. They are only available until January 29th, so don’t delay!

 Come visit us at Prickley Pear Rubber Stamps!

For more Pajama Crafter Inspiration, be sure to visit the following places:
Pajama Crafter Stamps and Friends Facebook



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