Masking Technique with DT Member Brenda

Today we have Design Team Member Brenda sharing with us how to create a masked panel that is colored with Pan Pastels!  Enjoy!

1) Mask a piece of
10.5 x 14.5 watercolour cardstock to create a panel – I have
highlighted the placement of the masking take in pink to make it clearer
to see.

2) Stamp your chosen image with archival ink into the masked aperture.

3) Next place
masks over the stamped images – I usually cut several at a time from
post it notes which you can do by stamping the image onto your top sheet
and cutting three or four together.


4) Using your chosen background colour of Pan Pastels and Sofft sponges, sponge the un-masked areas building up more colour at the edges. I find using a paler shade first and then adding a darker shade of the same colour gives more depth.

5) Now remove the masks and colour the images using small ended Sofft sponge sticks, again using a paler and darker shade of the same colour. A little contrast can also be added to the centres of flowers for definition.

Notes on using Pan Pastels:

• If you make a mistake or add more colour than intended it can be simply erased with a standard soft rubber.

• Many believe Pan Pastels are the same as chalk but nothing could be further from the truth. They are a highly pigmented, very soft and blend seamlessly.

• Many who struggle shading with distress inks or creating backgrounds with a brayer find Pan Pastels a perfect alternative.

• There are mixed views on setting Pan Pastels, but if the piece of artwork is going to be handled a lot then a quick spray of cheap hair spray will set it fast.

• The investment of the specialist Pan Pastel Sofft sponges invaluable.

• Cardstock is important and I find the best results come with watercolour cardstock, my make of choice is Fabriano but any watercolours card offers the ideal slightly rough surface to grab the Pans.

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3 responses to “Masking Technique with DT Member Brenda”

  1. stampingbowd Avatar

    Wow!!! Gorgeous card and color choices! Great tips regarding Pan Pastels!

  2. scrappymo! Avatar

    Thanks for the great tutorial…I wondered about how they worked…if you had to wet them to get the shading just so.

    The shades and colours you chose are so pretty…lovely card Brenda.

  3. Linda Hasz Avatar

    This is such a lovely card with some ideas that are new to me & for that I am grateful. Thanks!