Tag: coloring challenge

  • I Love You Tool Box and All:  Father’s Day

    I Love You Tool Box and All: Father’s Day

    Hi and welcome back to Pajama Crafter Stamps. Father’s Day is this SUNDAY!! It seemed like Christmas just yesterday! Let’s help Dad celebrate with a fun card filled with gift cards, love, a cute picture of the kiddos! The sky is the limit. Today we are sharing a project with a few of our favorite…

  • Adding Dramatic Shading To Your Florals

    Adding Dramatic Shading To Your Florals

    Hi and welcome back! We are so glad you’re here with us today. In case you missed it we are hosting a 30 day coloring challenge where we encourage you to take 5 minutes out of your day just for you to relax and fall back in love with your coloring mediums. But, maybe you…

  • 30 Day Coloring Challenge with Pajama Crafter Stamps

    30 Day Coloring Challenge with Pajama Crafter Stamps

    Hi friends! Starting June 1st we are hosting a 30 Day coloring challenge. What does that mean? We are encouraging everyone to fall back in love with their coloring mediums. Joy and many others will be doing at least 5 min of coloring everyday either as a live, a project, video, or reel. We would…