Happy Halloween – Some Leggy Guests

Guest Designer Jenny Gropp did this fabulous little card – it is just soooo cute we had to share! I love the simplicity of this card and how well it comes together. Nice work Jenny!

Jenny stamped Henry thee times and drew the little dangling lines in using a Micron pen. 

After stamping the Happy Halloween – EE0041 she curled the banner and popped it up with Collal (Dimensional Silicone.)

She added a few leftovers on the inside and stamped this wicked little kitty in the corner. 

For more Pajama Crafter Inspiration, be sure to visit the following places:
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5 responses to “Happy Halloween – Some Leggy Guests”

  1. Elin Larsson Avatar

    Great card! Love it!

  2. Cindy Groh Avatar

    Super cute card. Love their Halloween stamps. I'm having a blast playing with some.

  3. Jenn Borjeson Avatar

    This is absolutely adorable – love the way she drew the squiggly lines for the spiders to hang off of! 🙂

  4. stampingbowd Avatar

    Super cute card!!! Wonderful job drawing the dangling lines! Love that kitty on the inside!!!

  5. Indy's Designs Avatar

    How can spiders be cute? I detest them (in real life), but these are so dang cute! Those squiggly legs make me giggle! 🙂